Author Archives: meir
If the fish needed the government approval to swim, if the bird needed the governor approval to fly and if men needed the senate approval to walk we had a world without fishes, without birds and with no people.
Translated from Hebrew by Meir Ezra.
Hello! I hope you are enjoying and have been applying the tips you’ve learned so far. This is our 10th tip! Wow!
Today, is a little different. Today, the subject is submarines – so literally let’s dive right in!
Okay. Almost anyone knows what a submarine is. Even an 8 year old boy probably has dreams of fighting epic battles in a submarine. It is one of the most fascinating machines in the world. Why? Well, the power of a submarine is simple – it can see everything and no one can see it…
A submarine is a deadly weapon.
In fact, I was a submariner in the Israeli Navy, and we used to say that all things at sea can be divided into two categories – Submarine or Targets. In other words, a submarine could never be a target.
But WHY?
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Hello and welcome to TimeMaker’s next tip for efficiency and effectiveness.
Today we will be covering the silent killer of any organization – cancer.
Much like a body, the “organizational cancer” is silent. But what is cancer in the body really and what is the organizational cancer?
Most people cringe just at hearing the word “cancer”, but most people also don’t really know what it is… Continue reading →
Hello and welcome to our next tip!
Today we will be covering a very important subject which most people know is important, yet somehow hardly use properly.
It is actually so vital that without it, nothing can exist. With it, you can take any dream in life, in business, even in relationships and make it come true.
It is, in fact, the key to ANY success.
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Hello! I hope you are enjoying and have been applying the tips you’ve learned so far. This is the 6th of fourteen e-mail tips. It is simple but effective, and we’ve included some helpful videos and the usual do’s and don’ts – enjoy!
Ah… good times… nostalgia… We love these sorts of memories. Imagine life with no memories! This is why our mental records are so important – so we can look back, think about moments, enjoy them and learn from them. But it goes much deeper, and this is what this tip is about.
A person uses his memory to make decisions by referring to past experiences. The better a person’s memory is (meaning his or her record and the ability to access that record), the more data he has to work with and, thus, the better his decisions are.
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed and have been applying the tips you’ve learned so far. This is the 5th of fourteen e-mail tips. I believe you will learn a lot in the following:
In life, no matter where you are or what you do, the atmosphere of the area sets the stage for what is about to come. It is a kind of soundtrack to your life for that moment. If you arrive at a party and there is a tense and awkward feeling in the air, chances are the party won’t get off the ground unless something changes. Much like in a movie, where the music sets your emotion (is it scary, is it cheerful, is it sad…), at work, your environment is your atmosphere and your soundtrack. Your environment defines your state of mind and, hence, determines whether or not you are able to operate smoothly and productively.
You’ve reached our 4th tip. Wow! It’s been four weeks. I hope you’re already feeling a difference in the way you’re operating. Let me give you more. This week’s tip is important…
Emergencies come about by a failure to handle, on time, what needs to be dealt with. This can happen for many reasons, but it always manifests itself by an overloaded inbox. If you want a quick indication of the condition of a person’s area of responsibility, look to one thing – the state of the inbox.
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Welcome to our 3rd tip! In our last e-mail, “First In, First Out”, we discussed the fact that it’s a necessity to deal with the oldest items in your inbox first – no matter what – and only then handle the more recent ones progressively. This is absolutely true – with just one exception:
For most of us, life is not a quiet and boring road. It is exciting! But it also has an aspect which we all have a certain love/hate relationship with – PROBLEMS.
There are only two kinds of problems in this world: good problems and bad problems.
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So… you’ve arrived at the office and your inbox is full… the question is – how do you go about handling those e-mails (or handling the incoming phone calls, employees’ requests, customers’ complaints or anything else for that matter)? THIS is the subject of today’s 2nd tip.
But, before we continue, you’ve heard the word “power”, or becoming more “powerful”, thrown around in these tips. It’s important you understand this concept. Let’s stop and define it:
Power equals energy divided by time, or P (power) = E (energy) / T (time).
Simply put, what does this mean? Your power level gets determined by how much energy you have to put into getting something done and then how long that took you. Therefore, you have two options:
1. Increasing your energy levels (a subject we’ll cover in the future), and;
2. Doing your actions in less time – by becoming efficient of course! Continue reading →
Let’s face it – e-mails were created for chit chat and not for managing complex business. For that very reason, e-mails are the biggest time eater in today’s business world and all with very limited return…
Most executives notice they are so busy handling e-mails that they have very little time left for actual work or creation of future for their business. Funny as it may sound, e-mails become the modern day slave masters… Continue reading →
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